Human Centered Design


I lead human centered design workshops for organizations looking to solve a problem.

I lead design thinking workshops for organizational change, workforce training, editorial products, and physical spaces.

My design process starts with building understanding,ideation, prototyping and market testing to find the best product market fit.

I spent ten years of my professional life leading design workshop for building digital interactions for education (including learning paths, courseware, content, videos, apps, games, market research, beta testing).


Cengage Learning

Innovation and Strategy, 2016-2018

Product Developer, 2008-2016

Freelance Designer, 2018-present

Harvard University, 2012-2015

ALM: Digital Media Design

Magna cum laude


  • Human Centered Design
  • Market Research (beta testing, surveys, interviewing)
  • Digital Media (Video editing and production, photography)
  • Creative Project Management
  • Instructional design (Course development, content development)


Human Centered Design

I work with organizations to lead human centered design workshops, build team consensus, and provide innovative solutions for challenging problems. This can range from improving organizational workflows to creating bespoke courseware and designing products.

Market Resesarch

Focus Groups, Competitive analysis, Interviews, Quantitative and Qualitative research, Beta Testing.

Instructional Design

  • Nominated for bookbuilders of Boston Best
  • Achieved net promoter score of 95% among students

Digital Media

I work with clients from different industries to create unique and memorable photos and videos.

I help businesses come up with innovative solutions to hard problems with Human Centered Design

Work with me


2006 Chippewa Street, Traverse City, MI 49686


(617) 433-8444
